July 19, 2010

Being That Girl: The Femi-Bitch Edition

I wake up generally early. Doing so, I turn on the tv at around 10 am and start watching The Doctors due to lack of cable and morning awareness. The premise of the show is to have four doctors from four different specialties who give medical advice via tv. The most outspoken doctor is a hot little thang named Dr. Travis Stork, who is the very epitome of the "I Want to Marry a Doctor" fantasy. Here he is.

However, once Doctor Douche started to speak, all of his doctorsexy went flying out of the proverbial window. He has a strange frat boy twang and usually makes awkward jokes at the expense of poop and ovaries and has smugface! grunt. Worst of all, he portrays himself as an expert on women, relationships and what we're doing wrong.

So Dr. Douche has a book out called "Don't Be That Girl: A Guide to Finding the Confident, Rational Girl Within". In it, he tells women to not expect to see the man you're dating on fridays/saturdays for the first few months. Also, don't expect to be given a drawer at his apartment and don't demand it either. What else? get the ring in 18 months or leave the guy!

Here's where my femibitch kicks in. This guy was on The Bachelor. You know, the show where one guy dates 25 women at once and the women shit themselves for a chance to be given a rose. Dr. Douche stated he went on The Bachelor to find a wife, marry, and have a perfect life. All within the compressed time capsule that is The Bachelor's set in a romantic place with 25 beautiful women all vying to play doctor with him.

How is it that he can make out with multiple women who catfight in the house all day and then claim he's so in love with yet again, multiple women? He was on a show that not only pits women against each other but puts the man in such a position as to have his pick of the litter. Then he goes on to write a book basically telling ladies to not do what was seen on the very show that gave him his initial fame.

In the end, everybody has a sense of what they should and should not do. I can't tell you what will bring a man around and what will repel him like last week's dirty diapers because who am I to say that? But being happy with who you are and where you are is always good advice. Also, even if the men don't come flocking around, shit. At least you're still happy.

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