August 28, 2010

bleeding love and other things leona lewis sang about.

i was just called a "bleeding heart liberal" today. thus is the title of my post. however, this is not a post about jesse mccartney written ballads which are sung by leona lewis and etc. i just liked the way it sounded ha! so i will beat this dead horse of a blog post title and use it as an overwrought theme. holla!

*the only song i have ever heard by leona lewis is "bleeding love" so i had to google other songs by her and struggled to incorporate the titles into my post. why i insist on painting myself into a love ballad corner, i'm not sure. bear with me.

"Bleeding Love": i'm not exactly sure how being a bleeding heart liberal (which i suppose means you care to"o much about certain issues?) is exactly a huge insult. i mean, isn't a huge part of the human experience (i sound like a robot) is caring about somebody/something other than yourself? and trust, politics is personal. so to be called a bleeding heart liberal is really just baffling. it's like entering a yo mama is so _____ ! contest and coming up with "yo mama is so wonderful, she shits cookies and love!

"Stone Hearts & Hand Grenades": wtf leona lewis? oh well. anyways, today is the 47th anniversay of MLK Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Now, everybody loves Martin Luther Kings (Sr. and Jr.) right? except for like, white supremacists. So having Glenn Beck (noted general hatemonger and right wing nut) hold his teabagging tea party "restore honor to America" rally on the very same steps and the very same day, shit's gonna hit the fan. really, Glenn Beck, really? You could've done it any other day (i would still bitch about it) but on today, of all days. that is a hand grenade right into my liberal flavored stone heart.

"Dip Down" and "Chiquitita": I just liked these titles. Also, isn't "Chiquitita" an ABBA song? I tried to listen to Dip Down and only got to like, 46 seconds.

Must. End. Post. With. Good. Song.

Gifted by N.A.S.A (ft. Lykke Li, Santogold and Kanye)

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