October 18, 2010

it gets better.

it will get better, in reference to the recent wave of suicides in the LGBT community. there's this amazing project [http://www.youtube.com/user/itgetsbetterproject] where people can upload their stories and words of encouragement.

though i'm not gay, it doesn't matter because injustice hits all of us equally. throughout my 19 years, i've been so lucky to have amazing friends and family and yes, some of the closest people to me identify as homosexual. i love them just the same because to me, they're no different. it doesn't matter who you're attracted to or how "different" you might act because at the core, we're people and people deserve respect and understanding and love. it breaks my heart to see or hear about how people are bullied because of their sexual orientation or because of the lives they've decided to lead. so the message is that it gets better. it gets better because it has to.

this is not a message saying "toughen up and stop being so sensitive" as some people have said. this is a message that life is worth living, through all the shit that happens and through all the sadness. this is a message that no matter how incredibly lost and hopeless you feel, it will get better. you'll leave behind the assholes who dare condemn something you can't help or the choices you can help and choose to make. you'll find a community of people, gay or straight, who love you beyond words or actions. you'll find joy in the very thing that brought you such pain. however, it's for you to decide that you want to stick around for the good parts and i assure you that it will get better.

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