November 8, 2010

Day 06

- Write 30 interesting facts about yourself.

1. RIGHT NOW? i'm sitting in bed with my laptop, drinking coke with salt and eating a big ass pomegranate i bought for a dollar at kroger. i'm listening to taylor swift and this is apparently how i relax.

2. i cuss all the time. i blame it on an early exposure to eminem and really intense games of handball in the 4th grade.

3. a lot of people think they know me really well but it's not true. sometimes i keep friendships on a superficial level without really meaning to. i don't have many people i can truly call close friends.

4. i worry all the time about everything. i'll worry about you and things in your life too.

5. i have a tendency to dance and sing all the time. i don't do either well but i do them anyways. ESPECIALLY CAR DANCING. I LOOOOOOOVE CAR DANCING.

6. i have an annoying habit of setting my phone alarm an extra hour before i really want to wake up just so i can feel like i got more sleep. for example, i'll set my alarm for 5 am when i really want to wake up at 6 am! then when it goes off at 5 am, i'll mumble something about more sleep and reset my alarm for 6 am. i'm fucking annoying hahaha.

7. i've been a lakers fan since i was a kid. more than anything, i like that they remind me of when we used to have giant family parties on game day. i miss that.

8. nothing will ever be more important to me than my family.

9. the first song i ever drove to was nothing but a good time by poison. my friends were embarrassed for me but i love that song. maybe i'll start wearing a bandana like bret michaels!

10. secretly, i fear i might be into that romantic shit.

11. i'm more optimistic than people give me credit for.

12. if something fun comes up and it clashes with my responsibilities (i.e. work, studying, lesser fun things), i will find a way to get out of my responsibilities. i need to grow up hahaha.

13. my competitive streak is terrifying. i can't be sure of it but i think a vein pops out of my forehead, my muscles start to bulge and i turn green.

14. i'm straightforward because i'm too lazy to play games.

15. the biggest risk i ever took was changing my major from business/economics to anthropology/women's studies. i will probably make no money whatsoever as an anthro major but i'm happy. my parents, on the other hand, suspect that i completely made this major up :/

16. it takes a lot for me to like somebody. when i do like someone, i get really nervous around them and constantly second guess the things i say. then i'll probably awkwardly dance away.

17. i hate sushi. i've only tried it once but how the fuck are raw fish and cream cheese supposed to go together well? is that a grammatically correct sentence? hm. i guess i'm down to try it again.

18. speaking of, i question my grammar all the time. i'm a grammar bully. also, someone once told me i speak "valley girl english". that's when i realized i might have a californian accent.

19. i have a long standing love affair with sex and the city. i can probably recite every line from every episode. SMD! i can do the same for harry potter books.

20. i only have like three dance moves. i'm either raising the roof with one hand, fist pumping or executing shitty attempts at generic club grinding.

21. i'm probably a hypocrite. i'll let you know if i think the shit you do is stupid but i'll try not to judge YOU on the basis of your actions. i'm still trying to figure this one out.

22. i swing my arms a lot when i walk. i think i'm subconsciously trying to take up as much space as possible to make up for my height hahaha.

23. sometimes i get into really downer moods. these can easily be lifted with dancey songs and offerings of fruit.

24. one of my biggest fears in the world is the possibility of forgetting the most important moments in my life. that's why i take so many pictures and i guess that's a reason why i have this blog, so i can remember exactly how i felt or what i was thinking of at that exact moment.

25. i'm undecided on chivalry. it seems to put women on helpless pedestals while putting men in heroic positions. i like gender equality in everything and this has often put me at odds with some guys. for some reason, offering to either pay on a date or at least split the check are verbal equivalents of castration.

26. i have jello knees. sometimes my right kneecap will pop out and i'll crumple. usually this is only after strenuous dancing around my room to nicki minaj :/

27. i went to astrology camp when i was a kid and i still believe in it, at least to some extent.

28. i like flowers a lot. roses remind me of my childhood when i would roam around my aunt's garden, eating big ass guavas and cutting roses for the house. sunflowers just make me happy. tulips remind me of this dirty wale song about two lips. i've never been given flowers before. HINT.

29. every single drama that has entered my life since 9th grade has been discussed about over coffee with megan. i don't see her often as i'd like but when i do, it's like nothing has changed and we're still the same lame ass 9th graders.

30. i love conversations about anything. i just love talking.

omg this shit took me forever!

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