November 3, 2010

Day 01

- Your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is.

there is no current relationship as i am habitually single. i think i've been in a relationship for a total of like a week and even that doesn't count. i was out at lunch with some vsa kidz a few days ago and the topic of relationships/boyfriends came up. during the course of this talk, it was said that "chi doesn't have time for a boyfriend" in response to why i don't have one. while i didn't find this offensive at all, i began to wonder if this is how people view me hahaha.

so i said something along the lines of "it's not that i don't have time, it's just that there isn't anyone" which i immediately regretted as soon as it verbal diarrhea-ed out of my mouth. but it's true, i'm of the mindset that if there was someone i'd want to be with, i'd make time for them.

i'm actually really used to single life because i'm not sure i know anything different. sometimes it kind of sucks but i'd rather feel eh sometimes about single status than WTF i hate this boy and stuck in a shitty relationship.

in conclusion, if i were to meet someone i liked and the idea of a relationship came up, i wouldn't say no. when/if it happens, it won't just be anyone simply for the purpose of being with someone though. LONGEST POST EVER SORRY. no one reads my blog anyways hahaha.

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